St. Abrahams Lutheran Church
St. Abrahams Lutheran Church
A small congregation providing a multitude of services to the community.
-Weekly collection of food/paper goods for NESAP (North East Service Action Program)
-Our "Jingle Jar" weekly collection of spare change donated to the Fisher Foundation which supports the medical needs of our veterans
-Our Neighbors In Need Fund
-St. Abrahams Church Community Picnic
-Hampstead Day Outreach
-Hens for Hunger Project for World Hunger
-Special services including Lent, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
-Collection of school materials for local school children
-Baskets of Promise collection
-Mission & Merriness Day where we make goodie baskets for friends and neighbors who are currently shut-ins
-Christmas Adopt-A-Family
-Community Yard Sales
-Summer Movie Nights at the Pavilion
-Vacation Bible School
-Apple Butter Day!
-ELCA World Hunger Project
-Community Memorial Day Service
-Weekly Bible Study before Morning Worship
-St. Abrahams Men's Singing Group--The LutherMen
-St. Abrahams Women of the ELCA
-Founding member and ongoing support of the Carroll Lutheran School
-Founding member and ongoing support of the Carroll Lutheran Village Retirement Community
-Card Sunday! Where we send notes of thanks and encouragement to our Church family, shut-Ins, college students, military service men/women
Come visit us and be a part of our family, growing in faith and love for Christ and his Church.